PEERMail | EPA’s Retaliation Against Scientists Exposed

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Toxic chemicals are exposing people and wildlife around the world to dangerous health effects, and imposing billions (if not trillions) of dollars in cleanup costs on communities who must find ways to protect their residents from the pollution caused by these chemicals. 

That is why the recent U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Inspector General’s (IG) reports on EPA’s new chemicals program were so disturbing. These reports confirmed what we have long known: that EPA retaliated against PEER clients for protesting when career EPA officials deleted or watered down the health risks in new chemicals, allowing them to be rushed onto the market. 

These risks included major birth defect hazards, heightened fetal toxicity, and carcinogenicity. These scientists came forward because they felt that the agency’s actions put public health in jeopardy by exposing consumers and workers to chemical hazards for which there were inadequate warnings, or no warnings at all.   

The IG reports characterize a work environment where EPA scientists were rewarded for quickly approving chemicals, a problem that is continuing today. The IG will release additional reports in the near future on the underlying scientific issues raised by our clients. These reports will provide an important roadmap to reforming EPA so that it takes its mandate to protect public health from toxic chemicals seriously. 

Protecting scientists and reforming this program will continue to be a priority for PEER in the coming year. I hope you will join us in this effort by making a gift today


Tim Whitehouse
Executive Director

Energy Proposal Threatens Historic Trail

Aerial photo of the Florida Everglades

PEER is urging that strict controls be placed on projects funded under Maryland’s Whole Watershed Act to address the growing scientific consensus that Maryland stream restoration projects are costly and not working to improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay. Read more>>

A Step Back for Clean Air in Colorado

Photo of a clipboard with text "Inflation Reduction Act" on an American flag

Working with whistleblowers, PEER has made progress in improving air quality monitoring in Colorado. However, we are challenging a recent reversal by EPA that would have required Colorado to collect and maintain critical air pollution data from the oil and gas industry. Read more>>

Phone: 202-265-7337

962 Wayne Avenue, Suite 610
Silver Spring, MD 20910-4453

Copyright 2001–2025 Public Employees for
Environmental Responsibility

PEER is a 501(c)(3) organization
EIN: 93-1102740