The Second Trump Administration
This page is a collection of our ongoing efforts to track the administration’s actions, along with some of the resources available for federal public employees who protect the environment, natural resources, and public health in these challenging and disturbing times.
Since 1992, PEER has fought to protect public employees who protect the environment. We have done this through Democratic and Republican administrations in a strictly non-partisan manner.
As we enter a second Trump administration, we are clear-eyed about the threats this administration will pose to our country’s civil service and the environment.
PEER will step up our work to protect public employees by representing whistleblowers, defending government workers’ First Amendment rights, and upholding laws that govern the civil service and protect the environment, our natural resources, and public health.
In the past eight years, we have worked with employees in many federal agencies and their subdivisions, including the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of the Interior, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Office of Management and Budget, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Military.
We have also succeeded in protecting and strengthening environmental protections in difficult times. We will continue this work in the years ahead.
Get Legal Advice
It is important that federal employees make informed decisions when confronting workplace situations that negatively affect the environment, natural resources, and public health. Let us know if you would like to speak with an attorney at PEER. Learn more»
Information is Power
PEER’s Legal Resource Center contains some of the tools that PEER uses to help address the concerns that public employees bring to us. Our job is to try to protect your career while addressing the underlying issue that caused you to reach out to PEER. Learn more»
The Environment Matters
As we face the climate change crisis, biodiversity loss, and toxic pollution, we partner with public employees and community groups to tackle today’s toughest environmental challenges. This work will continue, no matter who is president. Here is one example of why this work matters. Learn more»
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