The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) is one of the country’s oldest environmental laws, prohibits the intentional killing of migratory birds — through poaching, for example — and also had prohibited incidental taking of migratory birds until the Trump administration jettisoned that provision of the Act. The prohibition on incidental taking is what allowed the U.S. government to fine BP $100 million for the accidental killing of hundreds of thousands of birds, resulting from BP’s oil spill in the Gulf Coast in 2010.

Oil and gas wells, thousands of miles of gas and water pipelines, new roads, and electrical lines on public lands have had major adverse impacts on migratory birds, such as the loss of nesting sites for ferruginous hawks, kestrels, owls, and other raptors. BLM further compounded those risks by removing key restrictions on drilling and other work during bird breeding and nesting periods.


Letter to USFWS – Phase-Out of Lead Ammo and Fishing Tackle

DESCRIPTION: Letter to USFWS for their proposed phase-out of lead ammunition and fishing tackle on eight National ...

Broadly Supported Petition Urges EPA Reforms for Bee and Bird-Killing Pesticides

Neonicotinoid insecticides targeted for wreaking eco-havoc despite lack of economic benefits

Ban Lead Ammunition and Tackle from National Parks

Groups Petition to Protect Wildlife, Human Health and the Environment

COMMENTARY | EPA Continues to Exempt the Most Widespread Bee- and Bird-Killing Insecticides

EPA continues to fail to regulate bee and bird killing pesticides, particularly those used to coat crop seeds.

PEERMail | Migratory Bird Whistleblower Case Goes to Judge

Whistleblower case highlights the Biden administration failing to protect employees who stood up to the excesses ...

PEERMail | Protecting Wildlife Comes at a Big Price for Whistleblower

Can the Biden Administration keep its promises on protecting whistleblowers? The current outlook isn't promising

BLM Fires Migratory Bird Whistleblower on Second Try

Case Is Early Litmus Test of Whether Hidebound BLM Will Be Reformed

BLM Migratory Bird Whistleblower in More Hot Water   

Vendetta against Veteran Environmental Analyst Takes Strange New Turn  

COMMENTARY | Migratory Birds Get a Lift with Proposed Rule Reversal

To protect migratory birds and other living things, we not only need stronger environmental laws, but stronger IGs ...

COMMENTARY | Green Energy: An Eco-Price for Fighting Climate Change

Increasing wind energy production, a necessity for clean energy goals, will impact navigation, endangered species, ...

PEERMail | BLM’s Litmust Test on Whistleblowers

After years of mismanagement and retaliation against employees who raised concerns about oil and gas projects, can ...

BLM Moves to Fire Migratory Bird Whistleblower  

Reports on Raptors Dying in Big Wyoming Oil and Gas Project Spiked 

Interior IG Sits on Migratory Bird Ethics Complaint

Inspector General Wants FWS Retirees to Name Those Who Complained  

Ten Retired Press Officers Attack Validity Of Bird-Death Rule

Rare Battle Over Ethics And Legality Of Agency Press Release

WOTUS Redefinition: South Dakota

Impact of Proposed Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) Redefinition on Wetlands and Waters in South Dakota

Court Finds Cormorant Mass Killing Policy Illegal

Ruling May End Slaughter of Fish-Eating Aquatic Birds in 24 Eastern States

Longlines Killing Pacific Seabirds at Record Rate

NOAA Admits Official Counts Significantly Underestimate True By-Catch Toll

New Jersey War on “Killer Trees” Violates Federal Law

Bull's Island Is Habitat for Endangered Bat and Protected Migratory Birds

Cape Wind Monitoring Plan Is for the Birds

Bird and Bat Studies Not Designed to Pick Up Meaningful Data

Heavy Toll on Wildlife Prompts Lawsuit Against Cape Wind

Scientific Reviews of Impact on Endangered and Threatened Birds Skewed

Political Arm Twisting for Massive Delaware Bay Wind Farm

New Jersey under Pressure to Lift Ban on Wind Turbines in Migratory Bird Flyway
Phone: 202-265-7337

962 Wayne Avenue, Suite 610
Silver Spring, MD 20910-4453

Copyright 2001–2025 Public Employees for
Environmental Responsibility

PEER is a 501(c)(3) organization
EIN: 93-1102740