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Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regional Office

Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regional Office

Kyla Bennett, PhD, JD
Science Policy Director
P.O. Box 574
North Easton, MA 02356
Phone: 508-230-9933

From the coves and inlets of Maine to the mountains of southwestern Virginia, PEER is fighting to stop habitat loss and protect wildlife, limit water and air pollution, address drinking water contamination, and implement aggressive actions to address climate change and to stop toxic chemicals from entering our environment.

Northeast and Mid-Atlantic PEER represents municipal, state, and federal employees who are trying to protect the environment of the region. While this region has a reputation of being more protective of the environment than other regions of the country, all levels of government are politically susceptible, and employees often find themselves in trouble for upholding environmental laws and regulations. When politics trumps science and laws, employees turn to us to expose this dereliction of duty.

We work on a wide range of issues, from saving the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale from ship strikes and fishing line entanglements to protecting drinking water from lead, PFAS, and other contaminants, Northeast and Mid-Atlantic PEER is helping improve environmental decision making and working to ensure regulatory decisions are based on science, not politics. With climate change increasingly impacting our daily lives and the ecosystems around us, our work with public employees who are on the front lines of the war on the environment is more important than ever.

What’s New in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Region?

YouTube video
North Atlantic Right Whale Death and Births by Year
YouTube video


Phone: 202-265-7337

962 Wayne Avenue, Suite 610
Silver Spring, MD 20910-4453

Copyright 2001–2025 Public Employees for
Environmental Responsibility

PEER is a 501(c)(3) organization
EIN: 93-1102740