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Washington, DC —A coalition of a more than a dozen public health organizations
today formally signaled their intent to sue the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency for its nine-year delay in adopting regulations to ensure that repairs
and renovations in older housing are conducted in a lead-safe manner, according
to a notice posted by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).
EPA’s own estimates conclude that continued delay in issuing regulations
exposes 1.4 million children annually to risk of lead poisoning.

Back in 1992, Congress mandated that EPA certify contractors to ensure that
workers are trained in lead-safe practices when remodeling buildings constructed
before 1978. Under the Toxic Substances Control Act, the deadline for EPA to
adopt these “regulations to renovation or remodeling activities”
was October 28, 1996. Despite this mandate, the Bush administration has balked
at issuing the regulation, which had been tardily prepared during the Clinton

  • In 2004, then-Deputy EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson vetoed renovation
    regulations in favor of a voluntary approach. But on May 16, 2005, EPA quietly
    filed a one-word Federal Register notice that the voluntary program was “withdrawn;”
  • EPA now claims to be working on new regulatory approaches but has not indicated
    what it may propose — or when.

“EPA’s own studies indicate that this regulation is one of the
most cost-effective public health actions in the agency’s arsenal,”
stated PEER General Counsel Richard Condit, who filed the notice on behalf of
the coalition. “These regulations would more than pay for themselves if
just a fraction of the affected children avoided losing even one IQ point due
to elevated blood lead levels.”

“Dust thrown up in renovation and repair of older residences is a principal
source of lead dust exposure to U.S. children. Unless the dust is contained,
it permeates the carpet, ductwork and soil, so that the children breathe the
dust for months and years to come.

“This regulation is a simple preventative measure that is long overdue
if we are ever to reach the national goal of eliminating childhood lead poisoning,”
added Condit, noting that EPA is not only several years past its statutory deadline
for acting, but now lacks a discernible timetable for even considering next

Joining PEER in the notice of intent to sue are the Alliance for Healthy Homes
(a national organization dedicated to protecting children from lead poisoning
and other in-home health hazards), the Lead and Environmental Hazards Association,
Improving Kids’ Environment and the Organization of the New Eastside (both
of Indianapolis), Project 504 (Minneapolis), the Maine Lead Action Project,
Cleveland Citizens Organized Against Lead, Philadelphia Citizens for Children
and Youth, Group 14621 Community Association, Inc (Rochester, NY), California
Communities Against Toxics, the Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry (Cleveland),
and The Arc of the United States (a national organization of and for people
with mental retardation and related developmental disabilities and their families).


the PEER notice of intent to sue

why EPA abandoned lead-safe regulations

at EPA quietly dropping its voluntary alternative

Phone: 202-265-7337

962 Wayne Avenue, Suite 610
Silver Spring, MD 20910-4453

Copyright 2001–2025 Public Employees for
Environmental Responsibility

PEER is a 501(c)(3) organization
EIN: 93-1102740