Eveline (Evi) Emmenegger, a microbiologist, managed the highest biosafety level containment laboratory at USGS’ Seattle-based Western Fisheries Research Center, working there for more than 28 years with excellent job performance ratings until recently. She had filed a Scientific Integrity complaint concerning the failure to address problems that led to a six-month period where that lab had been releasing pathogen-contaminated wastewater into the wetland adjoining one of Seattle’s most popular parks around Lake Washington, among other, related issues.
The continuous down-playing and exclusion of those who are raising these issues just exacerbates the problems. We end up unnecessarily harming the environment, our staff, and the animals under our care. – Evi Emmenegger
After USGS had dismissed her Scientific Integrity complaint but conceded that “science produced at WFRC may have been adversely affected,” the same supervisor cited in that complaint began a process that led to a proposed removal in January 2020, based on alleged lapses in a research paper prepared for peer-reviewed publication. For more than a year, USGS took no further action, leaving Ms. Emmenegger on suspension, until the agency finalized its removal decision last month in March 2021.
Ruling Bares Reprisal Culture Atop USGS Lab
USGS Restores Fired Lab Biosafety Whistleblower
USGS Fires Lab Biosafety Whistleblower
Federal Lab Biosafety Whistleblower Targeted