“Government Accountability Project today praised the House Committee on Oversight and Reform for approving landmark legislation to modernize the Whistleblower Protection Act (WPA) of 1989. The last time Congress updated our national whistleblowing law was through the Whistleblowing Protection Enhancement Act of 2012, which passed after a thirteen-year campaign, but the most significant issues were set aside for study and its enforcement has become dysfunctional with over a 3,200 case backlog as the only available due process forum under current law, U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB).
Government Accountability Project coordinates the non-partisan, trans-ideological Make It Safe Coalition (MISC). Other leading MISC groups supporting the reforms include the American Civil Liberties Union, National Security Counselors, National Taxpayers Union, Project on Government Oversight, Public Citizen, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, the Taxpayer Protection Alliance, and Whistleblowers of America.“