PEERMail | Banning Lead Ammunition in National Parks

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Banning Lead Ammunition in National Parks

One of the great tragedies of lead ammunition is the widespread poisoning it causes to wildlife.

That is why PEER has teamed up with the American Bird Conservancy and the Union of Concerned Scientists to petition the National Park Service to implement a ban on lead ammunition and tackle in national parks.

Altogether, more than 130 park wildlife species are exposed to or killed by ingesting lead or prey contaminated with lead. Lead is a leading threat to birdlife, especially bald eagles, hawks, and other raptors, as well as other birds from loons to condors. In addition, lost lead fishing tackle leads to elevated lead levels in fish and amphibians.

There is no excuse for the National Park Service to stall this petition. Affordable alternatives to lead bullets and tackle exists and are widely used throughout the United States.

In September, the Fish and Wildlife Service announced a phase-out of lead ammunition and fishing tackle in 18 National Wildlife Refuges. Our job is to pressure the National Park Service to do the same. The time for excuses is over.

BLM law Enforcement Alaska

The Newsom administration in California has executed a Covenant “in perpetuity” with the Boeing Company allowing highly polluted groundwater under the Santa Susana Field Laboratory to remain polluted for “an indeterminate amount of time,” according to documents posted by PEER. This move imperils drinking and agricultural water supplies. Read More»

BLM law Enforcement Alaska

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has declined to respond to a PEER complaint that wildly inflated population estimates for the Bristol Bay red king crab led to ruinous overfishing, declaring that doing so “does not serve a current management purpose.” PEER filed the complaint on behalf of a fisheries biologist with more than 25 years of experience with NOAA Fisheries. Read More»

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Environmental Responsibility

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