PEERMail | Let’s Demand a Better Future for Our Planet

Let’s Not Imagine a Better Future for Our Planet, Let’s Demand It!

I have been at PEER for just over 6 months, and I continue to be amazed by the good work that’s being carried out by PEER and the current and former employees we serve. It gives me great hope that in the coming year, together, we can continue our work to build greater protections for public lands and marine protect areas, bring meaningful reforms to EPA’s broken and corrupt chemicals and pesticides programs, and build greater support for protecting threatened species such as the Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle, the North Atlantic right whales, and the Louisiana black bear.

PEER has been so successful because we work together to hold government accountable and defend those who speak truth to power.

This #GivingTuesday, ask yourself, how do I affect change? How does my contribution challenge corruption in this country? Who is best positioned to tackle these issues? The answer is simple. For over 25 years, PEER has kept watch over politicians, agency leaders and managers, and brought to light documents and policies that government prefers you not see.

In the past year alone, PEER has provided legal assistance to over 40 public employees from agencies at all levels of government. These scientists, resource managers, and public servants come to PEER to blow the whistle on government negligence, corruption, and failure. They come to PEER because they want, what you want: a heathy, vibrant, and resilient environment and a government that follows the law.

It’s your support that makes this possible.

2022 can be a transformative year. With your contribution, PEER walks into the new year with a firm financial foundation ready to tackle the challenges ahead, defend those that protect our environment, and hold government accountable so that we live the future we deserve, the future we envision.

Your gift ensures that:

  • EPA is held accountable, corruption abated, and bad actors are brought to justice;
  • Public lands are universally protected no matter who’s in power;
  • Pesticides and hazardous chemicals receive proper regulatory attention;
  • Predators and other wildlife are protected;
  • Scientific integrity is assured at all levels of government;
  • President Biden’s climate commitments are driven by science, not politics.

This is what we can do together. By defending environmental whistleblowers, filing environmental lawsuits, public petitions, and freedom of information requests, we are able to root out corruption and reveal the cracks in the system that allow it to happen. Your contribution this #GivingTuesday allows us to use these strategies to effect change and make the year-ahead one we can be proud of.

This #GivingTuesday let’s not imagine a better future for our planet, let’s demand it. Make an investment in PEER today.

Thank you for your unleashing your generosity this #GivingTuesday and giving to PEER.


Helen Pent Jenkins is PEER’s Director of Development and Communications, previously with The Nature Conservancy.

Phone: 202-265-7337

962 Wayne Avenue, Suite 610
Silver Spring, MD 20910-4453

Copyright 2001–2025 Public Employees for
Environmental Responsibility

PEER is a 501(c)(3) organization
EIN: 93-1102740