Trump: Park rangers will patrol Mexican border, arrest migrants
by USA Today | November 25, 2019
“There are now fewer than 1,800 law enforcement rangers watching out for nearly 320 million visitors at the nation’s 419 national park sites. Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, a government watchdog group, released figures Nov. 5 showing that the number of full- ...
The nature of Yosemite hangs in the balance as national parks juggle growth, preservation
by USA Today | September 5, 2019
Each summer, cars fill the roads that snake through Yosemite, clogging some of the nation’s most iconic scenery with a churning gridlock. There were days this season when more than 8,000 vehicles passed through the gates, and the park’s website warns that visitors may spend hours ...
Survey: Many Federal Researchers Say Politics Trump Science and Are Afraid to Speak Up
by USA Today | August 17, 2018
“Scores of scientists working for the federal government say that under the Trump administration, political concerns outweigh scientific rigor and budget cuts hamper their mission, a new survey shows. Scientists also said they censor their own work to avoid getting in trouble, according ...