Resource | Past confirmed Directors of the FWS and Their Prior Education and Experience

Past Confirmed Directors of the FWS and Their Prior Education and Experience

Name President Period Served Education/Experience
Aurelia Skipwith Trump 2019-2020 B.S. in Biology; M.S. in Molecular Genetics
Dan Ashe Obama 2011-2017 B.S. in Biology; M.S. in Marine Affairs; 15 years at FWS
Sam Hamilton Obama 2009-2011 B.S. in Biology; 30 years at FWS
H. Dale Hall G.W. Bush 2005-2009 M.S. in Fisheries Management; 27 years at FWS
Steven A. Williams G.W. Bush 2002-2005 PhD. in Forestry; 7 years at MA Div. of Fisheries and Wildlife
Jamie Rappaport Clark Clinton 1997-2001 M.S. in Wildlife Ecology; 13 years at FWS
Mollie Beattie Clinton 1993-1996 M.S. in Forestry; 5 years at VT Dept. of Forests and Natural Resources
John F. Turner G.H.W. Bush 1989–1993 M.S. in Wildlife Management
Frank Dunkle Reagan 1986-1989 M.S. in Wildlife Management; 17 years at MT Fish and Game; 3 years at FWS
Robert A. Jantzen Reagan 1981–1985 B.S. in Wildlife Management; 30 years at AZ Game and Fish
Lynn Greenwalt Nixon/Carter 1974–1981 M.S. in Wildlife Management; 21 years at FWS
Spencer H. Smith Nixon 1970–1973 B.S. in Wildlife Management; 17 years at FWS
John Gottschalk Nixon 1964–1970 M.S. in Fisheries Management; 19 years at FWS

See related article: Concern Over President’s Choice to Head Federal Wildlife Agency | December 14, 2021

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