The EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) website contains databases that users can search for facilities around the country and see past compliance records. Beyond just searching ECHO for pollution sources in your area, for example, you also can:
- Search for EPA criminal and civil enforcement cases, including by individual corporations;
- See enforcement-related maps;
- Review trends in compliance and enforcement; and
- Examine your own State enforcement agencies’ performances.
ECHO also includes “Latest Enforcement News” updates and information on the current Administration’s compliance and enforcement initiatives. The site also has a User Guide.
Other Helpful Sources on Enforcement:
A Sheep in the Closet: The Erosion of Enforcement at the EPA , a report by the Environmental Data & Governance Initiative
Paying Less to Pollute, a report by the Environmental Integrity Project
EPA enforcement actions hit 10-year low in 2017, NBC News- Feb. 8, 2018
Environmental Council of States (ECOS), information-rich website on cooperative federalism from states’ perspective