PEERMail | Take Action: Demand Better for Western Lands!
Join the hundreds of PEER supporters who are demanding that BLM take action to restore and protect the health of our western lands ...
Sage-Grouse Recovery Imperiled by Overgrazing
BLM’s Livestock Mismanagement Tramples Sage-Grouse Comeback Hopes ...
COMMENTARY | America’s Ailing Overgrazed Rangelands
The latest figures from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management paint a bleak picture of the ecological health of America’s public rangelands ...
PETITION | Demand that BLM Address Overgrazing & Restore Land Health
Petition demanding that the U.S. Bureau of Land Management improve its land health program and address the problems of overgrazing on public lands ...
Range Damage from Cattle Far Exceeds Wild Horse Impacts
No Livestock Reductions Despite Severe Damage While Wild Horse Roundups Persist ...