PEER Supports Law Enforcement and Regulation
PEER works to support the enforcement of environmental and natural resource laws at the federal, state and local levels. The need for protection for our natural resources and public health has never been greater. Even as the need for strong environmental and natural resource protection is growing, enforcement programs are facing declining budgets, lower staffing levels, and dispirited morale.
Florida Pollution Enforcement Reports
Since 2004, PEER has examined Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) files to assess pollution enforcement. In a state heavily reliant on its natural beauty for tourism revenue, it has fallen far short of acceptable pollution levels primarily in its waterways and wastewater management.
Colorado Air Pollution Crisis
When you think of Colorado, you probably imagine clear, blue skies and sunshine—that image doesn’t jibe with the air quality in much of the state. The state’s entire Front Range remains in violation of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards set by EPA and has been in noncompliance since 2012.
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Florida Top Environmental Official Fights Federal Debarment
Secretary Vinyard May Lose Authority over Water Quality Regulation at Key Time
Florida Truncates Eco-Safeguards on Beach Projects
No Review of Contaminants or Wildlife Damage as BP-Funded Beach Work Starts
Koch Paper Mill Profits From Weak Pollution Regulation
Demand for EPA Intervention to Stem Enormous Effluent Flow from Arkansas Plant
Florida Top Officials’ Pollution Ties Violate Federal Law
EPA Funding of State Water Quality Programs in Jeopardy; Complaint Filed
EPA Inaction Imperils Clean Water Anti-Conflicts Safeguard
Governors in Florida and Maine Open Hen-House Doors to Fox with Corporate Ties
St. Johns River Municipal Polluter out of Control
Call for Federal Enforcement against Northeast Florida Wastewater Plant
Pay-To-Players Take Over Jersey Environmental Agency
Corporate Political Donors Control DEP Toxic Clean-Up Oversight and Rulemaking
Boca Raton Utility Workers Blow Whistle on Health Risks
Employee Survey Underlines Drinking Water, Sewage and Big Compliance Questions
EPA Prescribes Florida Tough Medicine for Everglades
State May Balk at Stringent Federal Water Quality Measures and Timetables
Number of Criminal Investigators, Cases and Convictions Slump as Program Drifts
Filter the Chemical Soup in New Jersey’s Drinking Water
Available Treatments Could Screen Hundreds of Unregulated Compounds from Taps
Boca Raton Wastewater Woes Warrant Federal Intervention
Effluent Discharges Fouling Waterways While Florida DEP Looks the Other Way
Ban Coal Ash From Federal Procurement
Huge Carbon Footprint Should Disqualify Combustion Wastes under Obama Order
Radioactive Wells Pose Bigger Risks in New Jersey
Hundreds of Thousands Exposed Daily to Rad Levels Many Times over Safety Limits
New Jersey Slashes Pollution Enforcement
Plummeting Fines and Fees Will Shortchange Future Enforcement Budgets
Florida Goes Soft on Polluters
Sunshine State Braces for Oil Spill but Eco-Enforcement Slump Continues
BP Bucked Canada’s Same Season Relief Well Policy
Citing Its Gulf Expertise, BP Argued Rapid Relief Well Capacity Is Needless Expense
New Jersey Toxic Clean-Up Priorities Miss Public Health Mark
Belated DEP Toxic Site Priority System Ignores Vapor Intrusion and Migration
Did Anyone Actually Read BP’s Oil Spill Response Plan?
Walruses and Seals, Non-Existent Equipment Lists and Other Fanciful References
EPA Puts off New Protections for Florida’s Coastal Waters
New Scientific Peer Review Defers Estuarine and Coastal Standards until 2011