Fighting for Good Governance and Rule of Law
Good governance and the rule of law are essential to the success of all environmental and public health programs. That is why, at the core of all of PEER’s work is an effort to improve the ability of our government to address the most pressing environmental and public health issues of our time.
Today, around the country, the work of public servants and government agencies are under attack We fight for the strengthening of laws affecting open records, whistleblower protections, data quality, and government oversight. We are fierce litigators of freedom of information laws and often call on Inspectors General to investigate government malfeasance. We insist on high ethical standards, professionalism, accountability, and public participation in decisions that affect public health, the environment and natural resources.
We use all the tools available to us to help public employees right environmental wrongs and to build the foundation for lasting, positive change.
Scientific Integrity Policies by Agency
These policies were mandated to protect the scientific community.
Public Record Laws by State
FOIA records include information on exemptions to disclosure, access rights, and destruction of public records.
COMMENTARY | Is Congress Too Dysfunctional to Fund the National Parks?
In past decades, America’s best idea was one of the few domestic programs enjoying bipartisan support.
COMMENTARY | What to Expect from Trump II – A Preview Based on Trump’s First Term
The first Trump administration took rampant “bad government” steps that we must not forget. In recent weeks, President-elect Trump has already raised new threats to good government norms to a level that is unprecedented and frightening.
COMMENTARY | PEER Applauds the Biden Administration’s Effort to Protect Civil Service from Politicization
PEER applauds the Biden administration’s rule protecting civil servants should a future administration attempt to strip them of their workplace protections.
Webinar | The Freedom of Information Act and YOU
Gain valuable insight into how the Freedom of Information Act can help you obtain government records efficiently and effectively.
PEERMail | Help Shape Our Election Year Strategy
Help us shape our election year strategy as the right works to implement Project 2025 to gut the civil service and harm the environment.
Alexandria Natural Resource Manager Retires Early in Frustration
27-Year Veteran Decries City’s Needlessly Destructive Environmental Policies
Feds Promise Abusive Administrative Leave Crackdown
Lawsuit Threat Prompts Move to Finally Enforce 2016 Anti-Limbo Law
Bad Actors Awarded Top Park Service Jobs
Allergy to Accountability Afflicting Park Service Undermines Morale
COMMENTARY | White House Censorship in the Name of Scientific Integrity
There is good reason to fear that a new Biden administration policy will create a broad chilling effect on scientific work involving hot button topics.
Federal Agencies Still Shelling Out Millions in Paid Leave
Law to Curb Excessive Administrative Leave Never Implemented
Park Service Mired in Reform Malaise
Rising Attrition, Growing Dissatisfaction, and Glacial Leadership Response
COMMENTARY | Is Congress Too Dysfunctional to Fund the National Parks?
In past decades, America’s best idea was one of the few domestic programs enjoying bipartisan support.
PEERMail | Holding Polluters Accountable
It takes constant oversight by advocacy groups to make sure the government holds polluters accountable.
STATEMENT | IG Report Finds EPA New Chemical Review Process Badly Broken
EPA has not complied with applicable record keeping and quality assurance requirements when implementing its New Chemicals Program
EPA Criminal Enforcement Sputters Back to Life
FY 23 Uptick After Enforcement Levels Hit Generational Lows Under Biden
CSB Should Recoup Improper Payments to Ex-Chair
Trump Appointee Racked Up Nearly $100,000 in Unauthorized Expenses
COMMENTARY | Trump Vs. Biden: Federal Governance
A comparison of the Trump Administration and the first two years of the Biden Administration on their Good Governance activity.
VIDEO | Testimony Before the House Natural Resources Committee (May 10, 2023)
PEER Executive Director Tim Whitehouse testified before the House Committee on Natural Resources in support and opposition of various bills.
Science Integrity Plan Throws Scientists Under the Bus
OSTP Encourages Dissent but Offers No Legal Protection Against Backlash
OSTP Slips Gag Rule into Model Scientific Integrity Policy
Scientists Prohibited from Policy Recommendations in Presenting Research
EPA Cannot Retrieve Text Message Content
New “Deprovisioning Process” for Employees to “Wipe” Mobile Devices