Home 9 Areas of Work 9 Scientific Integrity ( Page 2 )

Fighting for Scientific Integrity and the

Protection of Scientists

Government scientists are often under political pressure to alter, dilute, or suppress their findings on issues of controversy. All too frequently, government leaders interfere with the work of scientists that threaten powerful interests. This is especially true for scientists working on environmental and public health issues, who must contend with:

    • Alteration or disregard of environmental assessments;
    • Interference in research and staffing decisions; and,
    • Retaliation for conclusions that are inconvenient to a political viewpoint or that expose scientific integrity abuses.

For each story in the news about political interference in science, scores of other instances are taking place behind the scenes in government laboratories, grant review sessions, and field stations across the country.

PEER provides free, accessible, and completely confidential legal consultation and counsel to government scientists. We work to keep government science strong, independent, and transparent so that it can support effective decision-making.

Are you a government scientist in need of advice? Contact us. PEER offers many forms of assistance to scientists and is one of the only organizations in the country to assist government employees in filing scientific integrity complaints, complaints with Inspectors General, and in other forums.


Defending Academic Freedom

 Listen to the story of Dr. David Carpenter, a long-tenured professor who PEER represented when his University placed restrictions on his work after it drew negative attention from Monsanto. Learn more»

Representing Government Scientists

PEER regularly represents government scientists like Jonathan Lundgren, PhD, a former USDA scientist whose agency prioritized “Big Ag” over his research. He shares how PEER helped him protect the integrity of his scientific work. Learn more»

Strengthening Scientific Integrity

Strong scientific integrity policies are crucial to protect the work of scientists within the federal government. PEER organized a sign on letter urging the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to strengthen its model policy, Learn more»

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Phone: 202-265-7337

962 Wayne Avenue, Suite 610
Silver Spring, MD 20910-4453

Copyright 2001–2025 Public Employees for
Environmental Responsibility

PEER is a 501(c)(3) organization
EIN: 93-1102740