Fighting for Scientific Integrity and the
Protection of Scientists
Government scientists are often under political pressure to alter, dilute, or suppress their findings on issues of controversy. All too frequently, government leaders interfere with the work of scientists that threaten powerful interests. This is especially true for scientists working on environmental and public health issues, who must contend with:
- Alteration or disregard of environmental assessments;
- Interference in research and staffing decisions; and,
- Retaliation for conclusions that are inconvenient to a political viewpoint or that expose scientific integrity abuses.
For each story in the news about political interference in science, scores of other instances are taking place behind the scenes in government laboratories, grant review sessions, and field stations across the country.
PEER provides free, accessible, and completely confidential legal consultation and counsel to government scientists. We work to keep government science strong, independent, and transparent so that it can support effective decision-making.
Are you a government scientist in need of advice? Contact us. PEER offers many forms of assistance to scientists and is one of the only organizations in the country to assist government employees in filing scientific integrity complaints, complaints with Inspectors General, and in other forums.
Defending Academic Freedom
Listen to the story of Dr. David Carpenter, a long-tenured professor who PEER represented when his University placed restrictions on his work after it drew negative attention from Monsanto. Learn more»
Representing Government Scientists
PEER regularly represents government scientists like Jonathan Lundgren, PhD, a former USDA scientist whose agency prioritized “Big Ag” over his research. He shares how PEER helped him protect the integrity of his scientific work. Learn more»
Strengthening Scientific Integrity
Strong scientific integrity policies are crucial to protect the work of scientists within the federal government. PEER organized a sign on letter urging the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to strengthen its model policy, Learn more»
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Here are some examples of how PEER has made a difference:
- Advised a major federal union on strengthening scientific integrity policies, resulting in the first union provision protecting scientific integrity in a collective bargaining agreement.
- Successfully represented a leading wolf expert in resolving an academic freedom complaint after his work came under attack from the livestock industry.
- Filed an Inspector General complaint that EPA had downplayed the cancer risks of a common soil fumigant and nematicide, which the IG later confirmed.
- Fought against gag rules in scientific integrity policies that limit government scientists’ ability to speak on policy issues.
New Integrity Rules Differ on Allowable Scientist Speech
CDC’s Top Climate Scientist Back In Hot Water
Centers Suppress Climate Lead for Drawing Congressional Oversight
PEERMail: Scientific Integrity Under Attack
The Trump administration has taken its anti-science agenda to a whole new level.
Autopsy On Act Of Scientific Suppression
Identity of Who Ordered Halt on Mountain-Top Mining Study Still a Mystery
Scientific Integrity Policies Now Dead Letters
Few Complaints Filed Inside Interior and None Sustained Since 2015
COMMENTARY | The Trump Administration’s War on Climate Science
The Trump administration’s pro-industry, anti-science agenda has undermined the work of every federal agency that conducts climate science and has a broad chilling effect on agency personnel.
Undisclosed Statements of Scientific Concern: ANWR Drilling
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Alternative Facts on the Rise in Federal Decision Records
Trump Agencies Purging Dissenting Information from the Administrative Record
Federal Scientists Face Official Barriers in Publishing
Muddled and Conflicting Policies Put Scientists in “Publish and Perish” Dilemma