PETITION | Protect the North Atlantic Right Whales from Extinction
Petition to NOAA Administrator to require trap fisheries to convert to new rope-less or “pop-up” gear within the next two years to protect right whales ...
Minnesota Should Axe Its Timber Cord Quotas
Millions in Federal Conservation Aid Withheld Due to DNR Clearcutting ...
PEERMail | Stop Scamming Federal Wildlife Aid
PEER’s work in Alaska is part of a broader effort to end federal support for ruinous and cruel wildlife management practices that are on the rise throughout the U.S ...
Alaska Misuses Federal Wildlife Aid on Killing Predators
Penalize Alaska for Diverting Conservation Dollars to Intensive Management ...
PEERMail | Banning Lead Ammunition in National Parks
One of the great tragedies of lead ammunition is the widespread poisoning it causes to wildlife ...
Ban Lead Ammunition and Tackle from National Parks
Groups Petition to Protect Wildlife, Human Health and the Environment ...