PEERMail | Take Action Now, Sign Our Petitions!

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The dizzying pace of change in the landscape of our national elections is leaving me cautiously optimistic that we can continue to make progress in the coming years on the issues important to all of us.

With the excitement around us, I hope you will take the time to help support our work by signing and sharing these important PEER-led petitions!

  • Demand that BLM Restore Land Health: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) must act boldly and decisively to address the problems of overgrazing by cattle on public lands. It is our collective responsibility to protect these valuable natural resources. Sign here>>
  • Tell EPA to get PFAS out of Pesticides: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must ban toxic “forever chemicals,” known as PFAS, from pesticides. These chemicals harm insects, pollinators, birds, and other wildlife and are also dangerous to humans. Sign here>>
  • Save America’s Farms from Toxic Contamination: Biosolid fertilizers made from sewage sludge are spreading contamination on America’s farmlands. Support our lawsuit on behalf of farmers in Texas and Maine against EPA telling them to act to protect America’s farms. Sign here>>

Each of these petitions comes from issues and concerns that current and former public employees brought to us. In these changing times, make sure your voice is heard and public employees are supported.

Thank you!

Tim Whitehouse
Executive Director

Number of Park Rangers Continues to Shrink

BLM law Enforcement Alaska

The ranks of law enforcement rangers and special agents protecting our national parks have declined to the lowest level this century as the need for more rangers grows, according to data compiled by PEER. Read more>

Protecting Pahrump Valley from Energy Sprawl

Photo of a crowd celebrating in the street with the text overlay "Double Trouble. Join the Summer of Good Trouble! Demand Accountability, Empower Democracy.

PEER has joined other conservation organizations in requesting long-term protection of outstanding cultural and natural resources from solar sprawl on BLM public lands in the Pahrump Valley, Nevada. Read more>>

Treasured heritage at risk: The Old Spanish Trail

BLM law Enforcement Alaska

PEER’s Chandra Rosenthal and John Hiscock, a former park superintendent, write about threats to and the need for BLM and the National Park Service to protect the Old Spanish Historic Trail. Read more>>

BLM Unclear on Transparency

Photo of a lakeshore

PEER’s Chandra Rosenthal explores how BLM’s non-responsiveness to Freedom of Information Act requests means that vast amounts of information about both new and ongoing BLM operations are off-limits. Read more >>

Phone: 202-265-7337

962 Wayne Avenue, Suite 610
Silver Spring, MD 20910-4453

Copyright 2001–2025 Public Employees for
Environmental Responsibility

PEER is a 501(c)(3) organization
EIN: 93-1102740