BLOG | Vilsack Pick Fails Scientific Integrity Test
Biden’s nominee for USDA Secretary, Tom Vilsack, had a dubious record on scientific integrity and ties to agri-business during his previous stint at USDA ...
Vilsack’s Disturbing Suppression of USDA Science
His Biotech Advocacy Quashed Research Showing Adverse Effects ...
Jonathan Lundgren, Former USDA Entomologist: A Bee Expert With His Integrity Intact
When USDA’s research arm tried to stifle his research on the effects of pesticides on honey bees and the environment, Jonathan Lundgren fought back with PEER’s help ...
Coyote Control Based on Scientific House of Cards
Complaint Seeks to End Federal Reliance on Flawed 42-Year-Old Study ...
USDA Scientific Integrity Policy Sputtering, Survey Shows
Scientists Say Politics and Fear Loom Over Agricultural and Forestry Research ...