
“One of the reasons we have been able to tackle such a disparate group of issues on the environment is because our clients are our experts and our guides. They know the agencies and issues inside and out. It’s with their help that we are able to achieve so much in so many different areas of environmental protection.”
– Susan Sargent, Member & Outreach Director
To add a PEER team member quote:
- In the back end, with the Divi Builder, add a new “Section”.
- Click the “Add From Library” tab
- Select the “PEER Team Quote” box to inset the library item.
- Replace content inside the existing boxes as needed. Do not add new content boxes as it could mess up the design.
Headline – Moose

Donec at rhoncus elit. Sed fringilla dapibus sapien, sit amet molestie turpis aliquam et. Suspendisse laoreet tellus sed mauris interdum dapibus. Etiam quis mauris turpis. Nunc quis est aliquam, placerat elit at, ultricies magna. Pellentesque sit amet sem feugiat, rutrum odio vitae, euismod mi. In iaculis vel diam non interdum. Maecenas eu lorem nulla. Aliquam ac mi dui. Nullam blandit iaculis vulputate. Etiam in sollicitudin diam.
Quisque efficitur, ex eleifend condimentum auctor, purus augue aliquet ipsum, sit amet porta nulla nunc in justo. Mauris id risus euismod, faucibus justo sed, vulputate orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam auctor venenatis ante, a facilisis est pharetra a. Mauris finibus volutpat convallis. Quisque elementum porta arcu et vestibulum. Vivamus eget ullamcorper velit, sit amet luctus risus. Pellentesque nec est faucibus, interdum turpis et, lobortis risus. Ut non nunc tristique, ullamcorper turpis euismod, ullamcorper mi. Maecenas sit amet arcu condimentum, suscipit purus auctor, gravida purus. Nulla placerat dolor et mauris varius, ut blandit ante tempus. Etiam nec elit quis nibh scelerisque lobortis ac eget orci.
Mauris in leo id ex faucibus viverra ut id turpis. Sed et elementum nulla, sed mattis felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam quis urna facilisis, dignissim felis sed, congue dolor. Vivamus sed gravida nunc. Morbi sit amet ligula odio. Donec turpis ligula, pharetra at nibh nec, consectetur viverra sem. Pellentesque hendrerit dui id sem ornare eleifend. Nulla faucibus nunc sit amet ultricies convallis. Ut non lobortis tellus. Nunc placerat, nibh in ullamcorper ultricies, quam nunc accumsan lectus, vitae condimentum mi dolor ut nulla. Phasellus a leo eu sapien efficitur lacinia nec nec nisl. Proin cursus enim non tincidunt maximus. Maecenas tincidunt suscipit semper.
In order to add a Vertical Content Section:
- In the back end, with the Divi Builder, add a new “Section”.
- Click the “Add From Library” tab.
- Select the “Vertical Content Section” box to inset the library item.
- Replace content inside the existing boxes as needed. Do not add new content boxes as it could mess up the design.

PEERMail | Save the Right Whales
Extinction is a choice that humans often make about animals and nowhere is that truer than with the North Atlantic right whale.

COMMENTARY | The Inflation Reduction Act Funds Additional Staffing at National Park Service
The National Park Service received funding to hire 5,000 more employees over the next ten years as part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
In order to add Side By Side Posts Section:
- In the back end, with the Divi Builder, add a new “Section”.
- Click the “Add From Library” tab/
- Select the “Divi Side By Side Posts” box to inset the library item.
- Posts are shown by choosing the “PEERSide” category. Only two at a time will display.
Save The Kemp/Ridley Sea Turtles
Sign our petition to tell Congress to fully fund the San Pedro Islands.
In order to add Featured Light Section:
- In the back end, with the Divi Builder, add a new “Section”.
- Click the “Add From Library” tab/
- Select the “Featured Light” box to inset the library item.
- Left image is updated by changing the background image of the leftmost box (“Image”)