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PEER’s Climate Integrity Program

Fighting For Real Climate Solutions

To help stabilize our climate, PEER’s Climate Integrity Program works to hold government accountable to ambitious climate goals based on sound science and policy. PEER also has another critical role—as a watchdog for hidden dangers and scams that result from new climate programs. We do not have the luxury to waste time on false climate solutions that harm efforts to address climate change or divert resources from more cost-effective solutions.

We also recognize that a strong civil service and dedicated public employees are essential to addressing climate change. 

Our Climate Integrity Program is guided by these five important principles.

Keeping Clean Energy Clean

We are fighting to keep clean energy programs clean. To do this, we are currently focusing on keeping dirty energy sources out of renewable energy programs, such as burning biomass or waste. This also includes fighting to stop false climate solutions, such as heating plastics to create fuels, a process that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is actively and shockingly supporting.

Fighting for Greater Transparency

We are working to bring more transparency to clean energy programs. Consumers have a right to know how their energy dollars are being spent, but this is often not the case. The lack of transparency in climate programs is a red flag for waste, fraud, abuse, and minimal consumer and climate benefits. We believe that greater transparency will lead to greater support for local programs that create tangible economic benefits, such as energy conservation.

Ensuring Energy Access and Justice

We must ensure that energy systems are fair. Low-income communities and well-intentioned consumers are increasingly the target of green energy scams. These scams undermine consumer confidence in green products and hurt vulnerable populations. Consumer confidence is essential if we are to address the climate crisis.

Strengthening Conservation Efforts

We are fighting to protect biodiversity, improving the health of public lands, and advocating for better food systems that protect our soils and health. Protecting public lands and saving intact ecosystems is at the core of all our climate work. Too often these areas are sacrificed for energy and agriculture interests. Without healthy ecosystems, we won’t stop climate change.

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

We are embracing a wide array of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These include fighting for environmental review of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System and supporting efforts to transition to the use of natural refrigerants. This will greatly reduce global warming and toxic chemicals in the environment.


Webinar: Climate and Agriculture

How is agriculture contributing to climate change? How does it affect our forests, water, and health, and how can we minimize the harm?
Learn more»

Climate Integrity: PEER Calls Out Bogus Solutions

PEER is working with public servants to demand action that keeps clean energy clean and strengthens transparency in climate programs. Learn more»

Webinar: Our Health and Our Changing Climate

Watch a recorded conversation with NIH research oncologist and PEER Board Member Dr. Christine Berg. Learn more»

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Here are some examples of how PEER has made a difference:


COMMENTARY | Why the Chilling Fight Behind Climate Change?

This country cannot be locked into a new generation of toxic refrigerants, many of which have significant global warming potential.


Phone: 202-265-7337

962 Wayne Avenue, Suite 610
Silver Spring, MD 20910-4453

Copyright 2001–2025 Public Employees for
Environmental Responsibility

PEER is a 501(c)(3) organization
EIN: 93-1102740