Fighting for Good Governance and Rule of Law
Good governance and the rule of law are essential to the success of all environmental and public health programs. That is why, at the core of all of PEER’s work is an effort to improve the ability of our government to address the most pressing environmental and public health issues of our time.
Today, around the country, the work of public servants and government agencies are under attack We fight for the strengthening of laws affecting open records, whistleblower protections, data quality, and government oversight. We are fierce litigators of freedom of information laws and often call on Inspectors General to investigate government malfeasance. We insist on high ethical standards, professionalism, accountability, and public participation in decisions that affect public health, the environment and natural resources.
We use all the tools available to us to help public employees right environmental wrongs and to build the foundation for lasting, positive change.
Scientific Integrity Policies by Agency
These policies were mandated to protect the scientific community.
Public Record Laws by State
FOIA records include information on exemptions to disclosure, access rights, and destruction of public records.
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Ticket Quotas Issued to Forest Service Rangers
100 Citations-a-Year Target Rankles Officers Confused by Contradictory Directives
Refuge System Growth Plan Marred by Blind Spots
Sea-Level Rise and Per-Acre Price Not Factored into Land Acquisition Formula
Who Turned off Air Pollution Monitor During Bridge Closure?
U.S. EPA to Investigate Why Key Air Monitor Went Offline for Nearly Three Days
Gray Administration Guts DC Resident Hiring Preference
Unwritten Civil Service Selection Process Circumvents Bonus Points for DC Residents
Jersey Sandy Energy Grant Awards Raise More Questions
Hazard Mitigation Funding Criteria Ignores Municipal Need and Hazard Severity
“Expedited Approval” for Jersey Developers Is Christie Staple
Lt. Governor Guadagno Tasked as Red Tape Czar to Ram through Projects
Probe of Christie Sandy Spending Should Extend Beyond TV Ads
Jersey Rebuilding Effort Studded with Sketchy and Costly Federal Rule Deviations
Pinelands Commissioners’ Energy Holdings Spark Ethics Query
Expedited Conflict Review Sought before Hurried Pipeline Approval Vote This Week
Forest Service Drones Stuck in Hangar for 7 Years May Take Off
Drone Deployment to Be Governed by Internal Group With No Public Involvement
Electronic Monitoring for Fishing Fleets Stuck in Dry-Dock
Performance Standards, Configuration & Funding Source among Unresolved Issues
Misguided Massachusetts Coal Ash Greenhouse Gas Credit Plan
Ignoring Massive GHG from Coal Combustion Vitiates State Climate Control Goals
Pipeline Safety Agency Consumed With Industry Conferences
Far More Staff Time and $ Goes to Industry Events than Pipeline Accident Responses
EPA Wears Two Hats Regulating Business “Partners”
Call for IG Review of Regulatory Conflicts and Value of EPA Tech Developments
Forest Service Employees Vote No Confidence on Leadership
Survey Reveals Strong Doubts on Management Competence, Integrity and Policies
How Much Will Park Service Centennial Celebration Cost?
Agency Refuses to Release Records Detailing 2016 Anniversary Outreach Campaign
Green-Washing New Jersey Style
Wal-Mart Funds Christie-Touted “Sustainability” Plan as Green Programs Gutted
EPA Is Graveyard for Rulemaking Petitions
One Analysis Shows Tiny Fraction Answered; Most Languish for Decades
Old Dead Fish Spark Spat Between Government and Oil Giant
Pacific Herring Tissue Samples from 2005 Figure in Ongoing Exxon Valdez Litigation
No Surprise Federal Pipeline Safety Exercises Since 2005
Scant Oversight or Local Coordination on Pipeline Emergency Response Plans
Musty FDA Livestock Drug Approvals Come Back to Haunt
Still Using Decades-Old Assessments Lacking Analysis of Known Human Impacts