Fighting for Good Governance and Rule of Law
Good governance and the rule of law are essential to the success of all environmental and public health programs. That is why, at the core of all of PEER’s work is an effort to improve the ability of our government to address the most pressing environmental and public health issues of our time.
Today, around the country, the work of public servants and government agencies are under attack We fight for the strengthening of laws affecting open records, whistleblower protections, data quality, and government oversight. We are fierce litigators of freedom of information laws and often call on Inspectors General to investigate government malfeasance. We insist on high ethical standards, professionalism, accountability, and public participation in decisions that affect public health, the environment and natural resources.
We use all the tools available to us to help public employees right environmental wrongs and to build the foundation for lasting, positive change.
Scientific Integrity Policies by Agency
These policies were mandated to protect the scientific community.
Public Record Laws by State
FOIA records include information on exemptions to disclosure, access rights, and destruction of public records.
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Federal Shutdown Becoming a Polluters Holiday
Humans and Wildlife at Risk by End of Critical Monitoring and Pollution Testing
Alaska Demands Feds Cede All Wildlife Management
Wish List to Axe Conservation, Wilderness, and Endangered Species Protections
NHTSA Inaction on Carbon Monoxide Draws a Lawsuit
Documents on Keyless Ignitions and Lack of CO Safety Features Sought
Interior to Deny More FOIA Requests – Especially from Media
Proposed Rules Facilitate Request, Fee Waiver, and Expedited Processing Rejections
Lawsuit on Why Employee Rating of Trump Appointees Ended
2018 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Altered to Restrict “Leadership” Definition
Suit to Penetrate Political Screening of Interior Grants
Inspector General Decries “Weak or Non-Existent Controls” on Grants and Aid
EPA Has Done Little to Prevent Future Flint Crises
Agency Still Lacks Early Warning System to Avert Lead Drinking Water Tragedies
EPA Comes Up Empty In Search For Climate Denial Science
Agency Admits Lack of Evidence Supporting Alternative Climate Explanations
Vacuum in Vacancies Act Policing
GAO Is Lackadaisical in Detecting and Reporting Illegal Acting Appointments
Zinke Orders Broad Rollback of Wildlife Protections
Agencies Ordered to Defer to State Hunting and Fishing Practices Whenever Possible
Trump’s Disappointing Parks Director Pick
Nominee Has Anti-Wilderness, Non-Transparent, and Planning-Phobic Record
America Losing the War for Clean Water
More Than Half of U.S. Rivers and Two-Thirds of Lakes and Reservoirs Impaired
Pruitt Holdover Cost-Benefit Plan Is Regulatory Land Mine
Crude Attempt to Put Corporate Thumb on Scales for Health and Eco-Protection
Pruitt Had No Climate Data, EPA Admits
EPA Asking Its Climate Experts if They Know of Any Alternative Science
Autopsy of Toxic EPA Press Office
Documents Depict Tax-Supported War Room Engaged in Character Assassination
Wheeler Needs to Un-Gag the EPA
Transparency Should Extend Beyond Calendars to Include Science
Indiana Dunes Pavilion Revisions Trigger New Federal Review
Reduced Public Access and Outdoor Recreation Tie Prompt Park Service “Concern”
Wheeler Should Relax Pruitt Chokeholds on EPA Operation
Administrator Consolidated Decision-Making Marginalized Regional Offices
A FOIA Delayed Is a FOIA Denied
Even When Sued Agencies Deploy Stalling Tactics That Consume Years
EPA Still Cannot Find Pruitt’s Alternate Climate Science
Agency Asks Court for More Time to Develop “an Appropriate Search Methodology”