Fighting for Good Governance and Rule of Law
Good governance and the rule of law are essential to the success of all environmental and public health programs. That is why, at the core of all of PEER’s work is an effort to improve the ability of our government to address the most pressing environmental and public health issues of our time.
Today, around the country, the work of public servants and government agencies are under attack We fight for the strengthening of laws affecting open records, whistleblower protections, data quality, and government oversight. We are fierce litigators of freedom of information laws and often call on Inspectors General to investigate government malfeasance. We insist on high ethical standards, professionalism, accountability, and public participation in decisions that affect public health, the environment and natural resources.
We use all the tools available to us to help public employees right environmental wrongs and to build the foundation for lasting, positive change.
Scientific Integrity Policies by Agency
These policies were mandated to protect the scientific community.
Public Record Laws by State
FOIA records include information on exemptions to disclosure, access rights, and destruction of public records.
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PEERMail: Bad Actors Abound
Although we expect the current Senate to cower as the President continues to erode that body’s Constitutional powers, we will continue to challenge these appointments
Alaska Governor Makes Baseless Allegations
False Accusations Imperil Work of FWS Employees
NOAA Nominee Myers Misleads Congress on Sexual Harassment Investigation
Employee Group asks Congress to Hold Nomination
National Park Service Accused of Illegal Appointment
PEER Asks Inspector General to Reject David Vela as Deputy Director of Operations
Senate Confirms Monumentally Bad Pick to Lead Interior
Former Oil and Gas Lobbyist Sets New Low Bar for Regulatory Capture
Grand Teton Cell Mega-expansion Violates Law and Policy
Inspector General Asked to Include 13-Tower Grand Teton Plan in Ongoing Review
BLOG: Bernhardt’s Bad Actors
Eight political appointees are leading most of the Department of the Interior bureaus without the required “advice and consent” of the Senate. President Trump’s tactic violates fundamental “checks and balances”. Acting Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt is complicit in these violations.
The Woman from Monsanto Inside Interior
Former Executive Had Hand in Lifting GMO and Pesticide Bans in Refuges
BLM Commercial Grazing Program Goes Underground
Agency Stops Posting Performance Data and Hides Basic Programmatic Information
Bernhardt Surrounded by Illegitimate Acting Officials
Confirmation for Appointee Subverting Senate’s Advice and Consent Power
Park Service to Cut Law Enforcement Ranger Training
Moving from National Training Academy to Shorter Courses at Non-NPS Facilities
PEERMail: David Bernhardt and the Banality of Evil
As disturbing Trump appointees go, Scott Pruitt at EPA is hard to top. Well, somebody else who has that potential is awaiting confirmation – David Bernhardt as Secretary of Interior.
EPA Press Office Distributes Trump Campaign Promo
U.S. Special Counsel Asked to Look at EPA Press Office Hatch Act Violations
Bernhardt Brags of Interior Ethics Turnaround
Claims Progress in Stemming “Avalanche of Ethical Misconduct” across All Bureaus
BLM Cuts Engineering Oversight of Aging Trans-Alaska Pipeline
BLM Alaska Downsizing Reduces Both Staff and Oil Company Reimbursements
Alternative Facts on the Rise in Federal Decision Records
Trump Agencies Purging Dissenting Information from the Administrative Record
Is EPA Truly Transparent Now That Pruitt Is Gone?
Lawsuit Induced Wheeler to Make a New Records Policy and Transparency Vow
Interior Department Gaming the Shutdown
Staff Ordered to Perform Nonemergency Work to Serve Special Interests
PEERMail: The Shutdown’s Long-Term Costs
The Shutdown's Long-Term Costs Not only is this the longest government shutdown in U.S. history, it is also the dumbest. Incredibly, it is already the third shutdown during the relatively short but seemingly interminable Trump tenure. With the first round of missed...
Criminal Enforcement Collapse at EPA
Lowest Number of New Anti-Pollution Cases in 30 Years