North Atlantic Right Whales – Births and Deaths by Year
The North Atlantic right whale is facing extinction from low births and high deaths due to ship strikes, fishing gear entanglements and other human activity ...
National Parks Epitomize Trump COVID Inconsistency
As more than 100 national park units have closed, hundreds more remain open in an uneven handling of COVID-19 by the Trump administration ...
Enforcement Resources
The EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) website contains databases that users can search for facilities around the country and see past compliance records. Beyond just searching ECHO for pollution sources in your area, for example, you also can: Search for EPA criminal and ...
Citizen Enforcement
Pollution often slips through the cracks of state and federal enforcement. The reasons vary widely, from neglect to deliberate turning of heads to political pressure to technological failures. Citizens can fill those cracks. Americans can, and frequently do, assist and spark agency ...
State Enforcement
Some basic concepts related to state implementation and enforcement of federal environmental laws are: State Delegation “State Delegation” is when the federal law in question delegates some or all enforcement to the state agencies, typically after the state’s program first goes ...
EPA pursues three different types of enforcement actions: Administrative actions are non-judicial enforcement measures taken by a state agency or EPA using its own authority. They do not involve a judicial process. An administrative action may be either: 1) a notice of violation, or 2) an ...