PEERMail | Agency Policies Threaten Iconic Bird

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Agency Policies Threaten Iconic Bird 

New data recently uncovered by PEER adds further evidence of the difficult road ahead in reforming the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

The latest evidence shows that BLM continues to exempt Greater Sage-Grouse habitat protections for oil and gas operations in the Rocky Mountain region. In just three field offices in Wyoming, BLM issued nearly 80 such exemptions during the past four years. This is occurring as Greater Sage-Grouse numbers plummet throughout the West. 

PEER is asking the Interior’s Office of Inspector General to interview or survey BLM biologists who signed the exemptions and audit BLM issuance of sage grouse exemptions agency wide.   

These new revelations come on the heels of our release of BLM land health data in map form that shows cattle grazing is also seriously degrading the health of the little remaining sage grouse habitat.  And our report on staffing challenges at the agency illustrates the four main steps that BLM needs to take to address conservation, climate change mitigation and wildlife protection with building capacity as the critical thread.

Because the BLM manages over 255 million acres of land, our BLM work remains a critical part of our efforts to address the nation’s conservation and climate goals. As we continue to improve the health of our nation’s lands, we hope you will join us in this crucial endeavor.

Note: Soon, we will be issuing and sharing with you an analysis of how the seismic shift in the Supreme Court jurisprudence affects our work. In the meantime, please let us know what you think about how recent decisions will affect public employees and the environment. 

Cell towers in national parks

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission has granted a petition by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) and other groups asking for an environmental review of a proposal to allow a natural gas-fired power plant to burn fuel oil. Read More»

Cell towers in national parks

PEER is asking EPA to expand its health advisory for two PFAS chemicals, PFOA and PFOS, to address toxic chemicals that break down into PFOA and PFOS. Read More»

Cell towers in national parks

Given recent revelations, PEER is asking for the immediate departure of the Chair of the Chemical Safety Board, Catherine Lemos, who resigned halfway through her terms, but plans to stay on through July 22nd. Read More»

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Silver Spring, MD 20910-4453

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Environmental Responsibility

PEER is a 501(c)(3) organization
EIN: 93-1102740