COMMENTARY | Park Service’s Inhumane Inertia
The Biden administration has left several disastrous Trump policies in place - from allowing inhumane hunting practices to not taking action on park crowding ...
COMMENTARY | Countering the Western War on Wolves
A science-based approach to wolf and predator management is the key to restoring ecological balance in America’s Western lands ...
FACTSHEET | Federal Wildlife Funding: Pittman-Robertson Act
The Pittman-Robertson Act was enacted in 1937 was intended to promote preservation and restoration of wildlife habitats ...
STATEMENT | Federal Protections Restored to Gray Wolves
A federal judge today reinstated Endangered Species Act protections for the gray wolves but our work to protect these apex predators is far from over ...
Webinar | Pups and Packs: Saving Wolves in 2022
Coffee Talk Webinar Series, Episode 1: A virtual conversation about wolves and policy in the US in 2022. Watch the video ...