Paula Dinerstein

Paula has worked with PEER since 2006. She represents the organization in whistleblower, environmental, and Freedom of Information Act cases. Prior to joining PEER, she clerked for a federal district court judge in Washington, DC, and then practiced with small public interest-oriented law firms. Her work included representation of States and advocacy groups in energy and environmental matters, including pesticides and organic food standards. She received her law degree from the George Washington University National Law Center.

“P” in PEER Also Stands for Persistent

by | August 15, 2023
Persistence pays off for PEER even in the battle for the skies of national parks ...

Change is Possible! National Parks Reclaim Their Skies

by | May 24, 2023
The first serious inroads have been made into curbing swarms of commercial air tours rumbling across some of America’s most besieged national parks ...

COMMENTARY | Conowingo: A Better Deal Coming for the Chesapeake Bay

by | February 6, 2023
In a major victory for waterman and environmental groups, courts have vacated the licensing for Maryland's Conowingo Dam ...

COMMENTARY | Glacier Skies to Finally Go Quiet

by | September 29, 2022
The path to serenity in the skies above all national parks is no longer subject to the demands of commercial tourism but the work is far from over ...

COMMENTARY | PEER works with Lawmakers to Fight Conowingo License

by | February 10, 2022
PEER continues to work to compel Exelon Corp., owners of the Conowingo Dam, to clean it up and mitigate the ongoing risk to the Chesapeake Bay ...
Phone: 202-265-7337

962 Wayne Avenue, Suite 610
Silver Spring, MD 20910-4453

Copyright 2001–2025 Public Employees for
Environmental Responsibility

PEER is a 501(c)(3) organization
EIN: 93-1102740