COMMENTARY | Artificial Turf Spreads Like Weeds on Long Island
Despite known environmental harms, towns and businesses continue to install artificial turf fields at alarming rates ...
PEERMail | An Epic Journey You Won’t Want to Miss
Bloomberg Businessweek featured an epic quest by our Science Policy Director to uncover why her town’s drinking water was contaminated with PFAS ...
Dr. David Carpenter: Academic Freedom in Public Health
Dr. David Carpenter had been forbidden from teaching and barred from campus after an investigation launched through corporate political pressure over his research ...
Maryland Renewable Energy Program’s Dirty Rip-Off
MD Ratepayers Subsidize Polluting Energy at Premium Prices ...
COMMENTARY | PEER works with Lawmakers to Fight Conowingo License
PEER continues to work to compel Exelon Corp., owners of the Conowingo Dam, to clean it up and mitigate the ongoing risk to the Chesapeake Bay ...
COMMENTARY | Climate Integrity Project Targets False Solutions
PEER is launching a Climate Integrity Project to address bogus offsets, keeping clean energy clean and strengthening transparency in climate programs ...