PEERMail | Take Action Now, Sign Our Petitions!
Support our work by signing and sharing these important petitions! Each one comes from an issue or concern brought to us by public employees ...
PEERMail | Energy in the Air
We've had an active and exciting month - EPA responded to our concerns over the presence of PFAS in plastic containers, and two plaintiffs joined our lawsuit against EPA for failing to set standards for toxic chemicals in biosolids ...
PEERMail | PEER Files Lawsuit to Protect Civil Servants
PEER is demanding that the Office of Personnel Management finalize regulations to curb excessive administrative and investigatory leave within 60 days ...
PEERMail | Wrapping Our Heads Around Plastics
Progress in addressing the plastics problem has been frustratingly slow due to government inaction. However, we remain undeterred ...
PEERMail | We’re Suing to Protect Farmers
EPA must stop dithering and move quickly to protect America’s farmers and our food supply from these toxic chemicals ...
PEERMail | We’re Calling Out Agency Neglect
Our analysis of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management's land health records reveals a systemic neglect of land management by the agency ...