Executive Director

Tim Whitehouse

Tim is PEER’s Executive Director, leveraging more than 30 years of experience working on environmental issues with governments, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and community groups. Prior to joining PEER, he was a senior attorney at the United States Environmental Protection Agency and was head of the Law and Policy Program at the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation in Montreal, Canada. He has worked as a consultant for companies on environmental compliance issues, and with nonprofit organizations focusing on clean energy issues. Most recently, he was executive director of Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility, a health advocacy group working to address climate change, toxics pollution, and nuclear disarmament issues. Tim’s interest is in the intersection of science, policy, and civil service. He believes in protecting employees who raise concerns about their workplace and in exposing undue influence on government for private gain. He holds a JD and BA from Emory University and an MA from New York University.

Op-Ed | Public Lands Are Key to Fighting Climate Change

by | August 17, 2020
A new administration must stop address climate change, stop the fossil fuel madness and rapidly work to heal our degraded public lands ...

PEERMail | The Post Office, the Environment and Government Services

by |
The hobbling of the Post Office is yet another attempt to privatize and profit off of government services ...

PEERMail | Saving Rare Sea Turtles

by | July 31, 2020
International recognized Turtle Science and Recovery Program helps rescue loggerhead and green sea turtles but is being threatened by cuts to program funding ...

Enthusiasm over the environment is down — we must stay vigilant

by The Hill | July 22, 2020
“As the presidential primaries began, a February Pew Research poll found that for the first time concern for environmental protection among two-thirds of Americans nearly equaled their concern for the economy. Concern over climate climbed to equal concern about jobs for half of ...

COVID-19, the Climate Crisis, and Our Urgent Duty to Rebuild This Country

by Common Dreams | July 17, 2020
“If every crisis presents an opportunity, then these crises present an ultimatum: we have to address climate change, the economy, justice reforms, and rebuilding our government together, and we have to do it now.” ...
Phone: 202-265-7337

962 Wayne Avenue, Suite 610
Silver Spring, MD 20910-4453

Copyright 2001–2025 Public Employees for
Environmental Responsibility

PEER is a 501(c)(3) organization
EIN: 93-1102740