
Jeff Ruch

Jeff serves as Director of Pacific PEER, headquartered in California, and was PEER’s Executive Director from 1997 to 2019. Previously, he was the Policy Director and a staff attorney at the Government Accountability Project, representing whistleblowers from both the public and private sectors. Before coming to DC, Jeff worked in California state government for 17 years, mostly in the State Legislature as counsel to various committees where he drafted hundreds of laws on topics ranging from energy conservation to the rights of employed inventors. Jeff served stints as a deputy district attorney, and an appellate court clerk and is a graduate of the California Correctional Officers Academy.

BLOG | COVID-19 Pressure on FDA and CDC Accelerate as Election Nears

by | September 29, 2020
White House pressuring the FDA and CDC to ignore science and stick to political messaging on the COVID-19 pandemic ...

COMMENTARY | BLM Forges Ahead With Nevada Oil and Gas Leasing

by | September 22, 2020
Public lands in Nevada are being leased for oil and gas extraction despite little financial benefits to government but big losses to the public ...

BLOG | Climate Denier David Legates Joins NOAA

by | September 18, 2020
NOAA appointee Legates is unqualified, illegally appointed, and an eager spokesperson for anti-science/climate denier crusaders ...

COMMENTARY | Another Roll-Back That the Oil and Gas Industry Hoped You Wouldn’t Notice

by | September 16, 2020
The Forest Service hopes to pass a new rule making it easier for private companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. National Forests ...

BLOG | The Whistleblower Protection Act is Dead

by | September 10, 2020
Major issues with the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), including a large backlog of cases, have rendered the Whistleblower Protection Act dead ...

Op-Ed: Science protections must be enforceable

by The Hill | September 6, 2020
“Recognizing that things have gotten so out of hand, Congress must enact new, strong enforcement mechanisms to free us from the grip of “alternative facts.” Failure to do so will mean we did not learn the hard lesson of the Trump experience and we have left the door open for it ...
Phone: 202-265-7337

962 Wayne Avenue, Suite 610
Silver Spring, MD 20910-4453

Copyright 2001–2024 Public Employees for
Environmental Responsibility

PEER is a 501(c)(3) organization
EIN: 93-1102740