PEERMail | Getting a Grip on Toxic Chemicals

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Last week, PEER sued EPA for failing to provide us with information on its definition of PFAS.

Over the past few years, PEER has ramped up our PFAS work in response to concerns from increasing numbers of public employees. Scientists, firefighters, and other public servants around the country have turned to PEER to address the government’s failure to protect public health from this class of toxic chemicals.

You can learn more about PFAS and why they are so dangerous by watching a short PEER video here.

PFAS were brought to the public’s attention by the movie “Dark Waters,” about a lawyer and a community in West Virginia who fought DuPont chemical company, eventually winning a class action lawsuit in 2017 for those harmed by PFAS from the DuPont plant in Parkersburg.

Now, as thousands of communities throughout the country find their water and food contaminated on with PFAS, the pressure is on EPA to act. Unfortunately, they have chosen to define PFAS in a very narrow way, which will allow this type of pollution to continue unabated.

And worse yet, they have refused to provide the public with a scientific justification for their definition. That is why we are suing the EPA. Too much is at stake for us let EPA’s action go unchallenged.

Despite EPA’s go slow approach, people throughout the country, as well as public employees, are pushing for bolder action. PEER is standing with them in that effort.

We Need Your Help!

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Phone: 202-265-7337

962 Wayne Avenue, Suite 610
Silver Spring, MD 20910-4453

Copyright 2001–2025 Public Employees for
Environmental Responsibility

PEER is a 501(c)(3) organization
EIN: 93-1102740