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PEERMail | Battling the Musk-Trump Confederacy
We are working around the clock to keep up with the challenges public employees are facing and to challenge the onslaught of illegal activities by the Musk-Trump Confederacy.

PEERMail | Looking Ahead to Four More Years
We will continue our agenda of advancing efforts to protect the civil service and the environment and defending against attempts to weaken protections.

PEERMail | Starting the New Year Strong
Victories for federal employees and public health, and a thank you for your generosity during our end-of-year fundraising campaign!

PEERMail | We’re Suing to Protect The Old Spanish Historic Trail
PEER is leading a coalition of groups in a lawsuit against BLM and NPS for failing to protect the Old Spanish Trail as required by law.

PEERMail | Our Gratitude and Commitment this Thanksgiving
From all of us at PEER, thank you to government employees throughout the country for their dedication to serving the public.

PEERMail | Meeting the Trump Challenge in the Trenches
We know these times are tough. But at PEER we don’t shy away from a hard job or an important fight. The stakes are too high.

PEERMail | Election Watch: Rocky Road Ahead!
For PEER, this election serves as a reminder that fighting for environmental protection and supporting good governance go hand in hand.

PEERMail | State Ballot Measures Take the Lead on Conservation
As a result of the looming national threat of Project 2025, many states are working to tighten their laws and regulations to protect wildlife, the environment, and public health.

PEERMail | EPA’s Retaliation Against Scientists Exposed
The U.S. EPA Inspector General found that the agency retaliated against scientists for protesting when EPA officials downplayed the health risks of new chemicals.

PEERMail | Don’t Miss This: Saving Farmlands in Texas and Beyond!
The latest updates on our lawsuit against EPA on behalf of Texas farmers and ranchers impacted by toxic PFAS contamination in biosolids.

PEERMail | Take Action: Demand Better for Western Lands!
Join the hundreds of PEER supporters who are demanding that BLM take action to restore and protect the health of our western lands.

PEERMail | Important Advocacy Updates: Driving Change Together
We’ve joined forces with our partners to champion several critical causes and address key concerns brought to us by public employees.

PEERMail | Take Action Now, Sign Our Petitions!
Support our work by signing and sharing these important petitions! Each one comes from an issue or concern brought to us by public employees.

PEERMail | Energy in the Air
We’ve had an active and exciting month – EPA responded to our concerns over the presence of PFAS in plastic containers, and two plaintiffs joined our lawsuit against EPA for failing to set standards for toxic chemicals in biosolids.

PEERMail | PEER Files Lawsuit to Protect Civil Servants
PEER is demanding that the Office of Personnel Management finalize regulations to curb excessive administrative and investigatory leave within 60 days.

PEERMail | Wrapping Our Heads Around Plastics
Progress in addressing the plastics problem has been frustratingly slow due to government inaction. However, we remain undeterred.

PEERMail | We’re Suing to Protect Farmers
EPA must stop dithering and move quickly to protect America’s farmers and our food supply from these toxic chemicals.

PEERMail | We’re Calling Out Agency Neglect
Our analysis of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s land health records reveals a systemic neglect of land management by the agency.

PEERMail | Big Countdown & Important Changes at PEER
As we approach a crucial national election, read the latest on 11 regulatory petitions that PEER has been working on this year.

PEERMail | Let’s Heal Our Degraded Public Lands Now!
Read our take on BLM’s new rule that will alter the way public lands are managed for conservation and energy purposes.